Career Opportunities in Forensic Sciences: Jobs & Salaries

March 2024

Forensic science, with its captivating blend of science and investigation, opens doors to a myriad of career paths. From analysing evidence at crime scenes to providing expert testimony in courtrooms, professionals in forensic sciences play a crucial role in the criminal justice system. 


Let’s explore the top career opportunities available after obtaining a degree in forensic science, along with insights into government and private sector jobs in India, salaries, and the broader scope and importance of this fascinating field.

What are the top career paths after a degree in forensic science?


Some of the top career paths after a degree in forensic science are, but not limited to:

Forensic DNA Analyst: Specialising in the analysis of DNA evidence, forensic DNA analysts identify and compare DNA samples to link suspects to crime scenes or exclude individuals from involvement in criminal activities.


Digital Forensic Analyst: With the rise of cybercrime, digital forensic analysts examine electronic devices and digital data to uncover evidence of computer-based crimes such as hacking, fraud, and data breaches.


Forensic Entomologist: Utilising knowledge of insect biology and ecology, forensic entomologists study insect activity on human remains to estimate the time since death and assist in determining the circumstances surrounding a death investigation.


Forensic Accountant: Investigating financial crimes and discrepancies, forensic accountants analyse financial records, transactions, and statements to uncover fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering activities.


Forensic Anthropologist: Specialising in the analysis of skeletal remains, forensic anthropologists assist in identifying human remains, determining the cause of death, and providing insights into the biological profile of deceased individuals.


Forensic Odontologist: Applying dental expertise to forensic investigations, forensic odontologists identify human remains through dental records, analyse bite marks for evidentiary purposes, and provide expert testimony in legal proceedings.


Forensic Firearms Examiner: Examining firearms, ammunition, and ballistic evidence, forensic firearms examiners identify weapons used in crimes, analyse gunshot residue, and reconstruct shooting incidents to provide crucial evidence for criminal investigations.

Scope of Forensic Science


In today’s world, where crime rates and accidents are on the rise globally, there’s an ever-increasing need for resources that can assist agencies in identifying the causes and intricacies of these incidents. Additionally, there’s a pressing necessity to prevent the wrongful conviction of innocent individuals. With criminals constantly adapting to advancements in science and technology to evade authorities, law enforcement agencies require sophisticated tools and methods to solve such cases effectively. Forensic science emerges as a powerful ally in this regard, offering invaluable insights and techniques to aid investigations and ensure justice.


In India, there exists a significant shortage of efficient forensic experts. Thus, the study of forensic science becomes paramount to bridge this gap, leading to a high demand for forensic experts in the country. Government agencies and authorities predominantly hire these professionals, but private companies and research conglomerates also seek talented forensic experts. Surprisingly, forensic science remains an underrated choice among students, resulting in limited competition in the job market and further expanding the scope of forensic science careers.


Forensic science encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines, extending beyond conventional crime scene investigation to include various specialized fields. Forensic scientists collaborate closely with legal professionals, providing expert testimony in courtrooms. Their scientific acumen aids in deciphering complex evidence, thereby assisting judges and juries in making well-informed decisions.


In the digital age, forensic experts delve into digital forensics, analyzing electronic devices and data to uncover evidence of cybercrimes such as hacking and fraud. They meticulously retrieve deleted files, track online activities, and reconstruct digital footprints left by perpetrators.

Forensic anthropologists specialize in analyzing human skeletal remains to determine crucial details like identity, age, sex, and cause of death. Employing techniques such as osteology and facial reconstruction, they offer invaluable insights, especially in cases involving decomposed or skeletal remains.


Forensic accountants play a pivotal role in investigating financial crimes, meticulously analyzing financial records to detect irregularities and uncover evidence of fraud or money laundering. Their expertise aids law enforcement agencies in prosecuting perpetrators and ensuring financial integrity.

Importance of Forensic Science

Forensic science holds an important role in modern society. It serves as an important element to help serve justice, find the truth, and protect innocent individuals in legal matters. It is an important discipline across a variety of domains, which are, but not limited to law enforcement, criminal investigations, legal proceedings, and even historical research. Let us look at the importance of forensic science.

Crimes & Investigations

Forensic science helps law enforcement agencies in solving crimes and investigations. It helps them analyse physical evidence collected from crime scenes and identify the bodies from their remains. Moreover, it deals with various techniques such as DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology that can help agencies identify perpetrators, establish the timeline of the crime, reconstruct the accidents and events, and more without which a lot of crimes would be impossible to successfully resolve.

Prevention of Wrongful Convictions

Forensics not only helps the agencies prosecute the wrongful but also helps them prevent wrongful convictions. Forensic scientists can study the evidence and provide accurate and reliable information which, a lot of times, helps prevent wrongful convictions. The most popular of these techniques is DNA testing which has been instrumental in overturning wrongful convictions ever since its inception.


  1. Is a degree in forensic science necessary for a career in this field?
  • While a degree in forensic science is beneficial, individuals from diverse academic backgrounds such as chemistry, biology, and criminal justice can pursue careers in forensic sciences with additional training and certifications.
  1. What skills are essential for success in forensic sciences?
  • Key skills for professionals in forensic sciences include attention to detail, critical thinking, analytical skills, communication skills, and the ability to work effectively under pressure.
  1. What are the future prospects for forensic science careers?
  • With advancements in technology and an increasing emphasis on scientific evidence in legal proceedings, the demand for skilled professionals in forensic sciences is expected to grow, offering promising career opportunities in the years to come.