Soroka, I., Pirozhenko, T. (2022). Understanding of the denotative meaning of the word “aging” by preschool children. Eurasian scientific discussions. Proceedings of the 11th International scientific and practical conference. Barca Academy Publishing. Barcelona, Spain, 213-218. URL:

Yadav, P.S., Soroka, I. (2022). Understanding the impacts of incorporating organizational culture in corporate job advertisements. Modern scientific research: achievements, innovations and development prospects. Proceedings of the 8th International scientific and practical conference. MDPC Publishing. Berlin, Germany. Pp. 451–459.

Yadav, P.S., Soroka, I. (2022). Creating and managing a high-performing culture. Scientific Collection «InterConf», (97): with the Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific and Practical Conference «International Forum: Problems and Scientific Solutions» (February 6-8, 2022). Melbourne, Australia; pp. 231–235. Available at:


Soroka I. (2021). Specifics of Conflicts in the Student Environment. Results of modern scientific research and development. Proceedings of the 4th International scientific and practical conference. Barca Academy Publishing. Madrid, Spain. Pp. 203-209. URL:

Soroka I., Tekchandani R. (2021). Psychobiography as a Scientific Method: Actual trends of modern scientific research. Abstracts of the 7th International scientific and practical conference. MDPC Publishing. Munich, Germany. Pp. 417-420.

Gupta, R., Junnarkar, M., & Bhatia, D. (2021). Impact of Socio-Economic Status on Cognitive Processing. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43.


Soroka, I. (2020). Psychological dimensions of emotional intelligence and EQ assessment [Paper presentation]. In Southern Foundation of Pedagogy. Priority directions of development of modern pedagogical and psychological sciences: Collection of scientific works of participants of the international scientific and practical conference, Odesa, Ukraine. Pp. 20-21.


Soroka, I. (2020). Cross-cultural behaviour: Ukraine versus India [Paper presentation]. In East Ukrainian organization “Center for Pedagogical Research”. Priority areas for solving current problems of upbringing and education: Collection of scientific works of the international scientific and practical conference, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Pp. 60-63.


Soroka, I. (2020). Psychological models of conflict management in organizations. World science: problems, prospects and innovations. Abstracts of the 2nd International scientific and practical conference. Perfect Publishing. Toronto, Canada. Pp. 165-168


Soroka, I. A. (2020). Patterns of cross-cultural behaviour: Indian outlook [Paper presentation]. International scientific and practical conference «Current trends and factors of the development of pedagogical and psychological sciences in Ukraine and EU countries»: conference proceedings, September 25–26, 2020. Lublin: Izdevnieciba, Baltija Publishing, 1, 192-194.