Welcome to the celebration of a significant milestone in our journey – the 10th anniversary of the Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences- #JIBSat10. Over the past ten years, JIBS has evolved into an institution of excellence and innovation in the field of behavioural sciences, leaving a significant mark in the fields of academia, research, and community engagement. 

As we commemorate #JIBSat10, we take pride in reflecting on our journey of growth and transformation. From our humble beginnings to becoming a renowned institution, JIBS has consistently strived for excellence in everything we do. Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge, fostering academic rigour, and embracing innovation has been the cornerstone of our success.

At JIBS, research is not just a pursuit but a passion. Over the past decade, our esteemed faculty and researchers have made significant contributions to the field, publishing groundbreaking studies, impactful articles, and insightful books. Through our rigorous academic programs, including the MA/MSc in Applied Psychology and other specialized courses, we have nurtured the next generation of behavioural science leaders, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to make a meaningful difference in the world.

Beyond the confines of academia, JIBS has been actively engaged in community outreach and social impact initiatives. From awareness campaigns to capacity-building workshops, our efforts have touched the lives of countless individuals and communities, driving positive change and fostering inclusive growth. Whether it’s promoting mental health awareness or advocating for social justice, JIBS remains committed to making a tangible difference in society.

As we celebrate #JIBSat10, we also look to the future with a sense of purpose and determination. Our journey does not end here; it merely marks a milestone in our ongoing pursuit of excellence and impact. With new challenges on the horizon and opportunities to seize, JIBS is poised to continue leading the way forward, driving innovation, and inspiring positive change in the years to come.